Event Details

  • Date:

This 4-week group will consist of art-making, photography (both within group and assignments from week to week), writing, discussion, interactions with animals, and play. It is designed for girls to develop confidence, social skills and self-compassion, enhance creativity and have a renewed connection with nature and animals.
The goals of the group are:

  • To enhance body image and self-esteem
  • To share feelings with peers and see that they are not alone
  • To have fun with other girls of the same age
  • To understand how culture frames how girls should look and behave
  • To spend time appreciating natural beauty and the playfulness and vitality (and idiosyncrasies!) of animals
  • To develop an appreciation for themselves, just as they are!

The cost is $120 for the four sessions, which includes materials.

This group starts on Wednesday, July 20th, and continues on July 27th, August 3rd, and August 10th.

Download the flierĀ here.