With the explosion of all kinds of social media, we are constantly bombarded with images from every direction. In some ways, this overexposure can have a numbing effect; but there are many ways to use photography to promote growth and healing.  In my practice, clients have found working with photography revealing, fun and inspirational. Whether clients are creatively capturing an issue with which they are dealing with a camera, or exploring, for example, their identity through self-portraits, photography can be a powerful tool for seeing beauty and seeing themselves.

Here’s a related article: https://www.theoneproject.co/journey-introspection-shared-insights-project-pilgrim/

This article is about the power of photography for empowering young black girls http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/how-photography-helps-black-girls-define-their-culture-on-their-own-terms_us_570ff602e4b0018f9cb971cb